This Month's Totals and Average
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  March 2018

29th-31st March ~ Fazeley Mill Marina

Mail turned up Thursday. Heavy rain showers continued through the remainder of the week, but with occasional dry spells. By the time we got to the weekend, the rain was forecast to continue well into next week, so the admiral decided we were not moving until into next month (disappointed).

25th-28th March ~ Fazeley Mill Marina

Two lovely sunny days, although still a slight coolness to any breeze. Initially, shopping for all the things I hadn't found I needed over the winter period. Started cleaning round the outside in preparation for a departure (hopefully soon) - roof and sides all scrubbed down and gear checked and cleaned.

Weather turned against us again, with rain arriving overnight Monday. Tuesday took a trip into Tamworth market. Although there were reasonable spells dry during the day, the rain increased overnight into Wednesday. The increased rain, and awaiting urgent mail from home, meant we didn't get away mid-week as planned.

There has been a major breach in the canal wall just west of Wardle Junction (where the Middlewich Branch joins the Trent & Mersey Canal). The banking has been washed away, with trees ending up in the River Wardle at the bottom of the bank, and sections of the canal bottom washed away to twice its normal depth. It is going to cost millions, and a lot of time, to repair the damage. I suspect that our route for this summer may have to be amended.

Saturday 24th March ~ Fazeley Mill Marina

Pat returned aboard (so all my routines are up in the air again ☹). She arrived early afternoon, and spent the remainder of the day "sorting herself out".

20th-23rd March ~ Fazeley Mill Marina

Initially a quick storing to last me to the end of the week. Expecting Pat to come south on Saturday, so generally clearing up (I tend to use her bed as a place to put the tools and bits I'm using while working on jobs on the boat). Thorough Spring Clean (in the hope that Spring might finally arrive!)

Managed to get sufficient done on the maps project to launch the new version. There are still a couple of backdated tracks missing from 2014 (but they don't really change the overall picture); tracks are still missing for 2015 and 2016 (they're my next job); there are a number of canals where I haven't put in historical info yet; there are a few waterways still missing (most we are not likely to go to in the near future). I hope you like the new format, with its ability to zoom, and the historical backgrounds etc.

Still cool for late March, but mostly sunny. Occasional rain showers overnight.


9th-19th March ~ At the house

Early start on Friday morning for the drive north. Thin fog to start, but quickly cleared to a nice sunny drive. Made good time and was in by mid-afternoon.

Had visits from all the family during the week; went to "Wonderworld" (soft-play franchise) one morning with Aria, and had a pancake breakfast with her another morning; visited Fhi & Nick at their flat.

Walked Dysart cemetery looking for some graves I had been told were there. Found two, so added the details to our database.

Completed the implementation of the changes for web security on the weather section of my site (the final bit). Anyone interested should now use . During spare time, continued with maps project.

Returned south to 'Paws' on Monday to get ready for the summer cruise - good run down, sunny and dry although wind a little gusty. Pat is intending to join me next weekend.


4th-8th March ~ Fazeley Mill Marina

After very heavy showers of rain and hail overnight into Sunday, the snow cleared quickly. Mostly sunny, but with a few scattered heavy showers of rain during the day. Monday to Thursday beautiful sunny days, warm with little wind, but with continuing scattered heavy rain showers.

General routine housekeeping throughout the week. Continued with the maps and upgrading the weather section of my site to https:// (with difficulty). Later in the week, clearing ready to take a trip back to the house (saying goodbye for the summer).

Saturday 3rd March ~ Fazeley Mill Marina

Woke expecting major snowfall, to find barely anything had fallen overnight - only about 2 inch lying. Wind had died, and the temp was slightly higher than previous mornings. Completed the implementation of the changes for web security on the family history section of my site. Anyone interested should now use . The weather section will have to wait until I get home as I need to access the 'weather' laptop whilst doing the conversion. I also still need to sort the problem with 3rd-party data suppliers. In the meantime, continued with work on the maps. Snow started to melt during the day, so don't think it will be long before we are clear again.

Friday 2nd March ~ Fazeley Mill Marina

Another fairly bright morning with no more snow overnight. Short walk for TV paper, then back to the IT projects for the rest of the day. Snow started mid-afternoon and looked as though it was meaning it this time - starting to lie. By bedtime the snow had almost stopped again.

Thursday 1st March ~ Fazeley Mill Marina

Day, and new month, started with cloud cover but no further snow. Very cold, with a stronger wind. Completed implementation of the changes for web security on this, the 'Paws' section of my site. All our readers should now use , and those with bookmarks should add the extra 's' to the addresses. More work still to be done on the family history and weather sections. Snow started around lunchtime and increased during the afternoon - small soft stuff that blew in the wind: still not lying by bedtime.

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