This Month's Totals and Average
0.00 miles 0 locks 0.00 hrs 0.00 lmph

  October 2024

3rd-31st October ~ At the house

"Paws" laid up for the winter.

At the house, generally catching up with (real) paperwork and fixing the problems I didn't know about. Routine medical appointments.


Wednesday 2nd October ~ Drive North

A dull start rapidly cleared to a sunny day. Got the car packed straight after breakfast and was off-site by 08:15. Took my usual route northwards, via Stoke then M6. Lunch at Lancaster then on to Abington for a coffe-stop. Across to Straiton (east of Edinburgh) (good place to cut across country, A702, with fuel just before the Bypass. Round the Bypass, across the Queensferry Crossing and A90 to the house. A good run, mostly sunny. Arrived just after 16:00, unpacked and collapsed in a chair till bedtime

Tuesday 1st October ~ Bosworth Marina

October started wet, but at least the wind had died down a little. Dropped in on the e-coffee with our friends in Doncaster - rather spread out today with Liz (Doncaster), Becca (Taunton), Jane (Cookley) Pat (Kirkcaldy), Christopher (Norway). Fhi couldn't make it as she started her new job today. The remainder of the day was spent getting ready for going north tomorrow - topped up the electricity card, packing, cleaning, dumping rubbish.

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