"Paw-rambulations" 2018

The maroon line shows canals covered while "Paws" was on her travels during 2015. The canal system, as shown here, displays only those canals along which "Paws" can actually travel (constraints of lock-length, bridge-height etc prevent her from covering the whole navigable network). As with the main system map, original names have been used for canals, and the same background histories provided. The layers shown are the background canal system, the areas we have covered, and coloured spots for overnight stops and turning points. These can be switched using the sidebar. It is also possible to view this window as a full screen (button top right of the window). Functionality is provided by Google MyMaps©.

Key to main waterway colours
green   narrow canal
orange   broad canal
lt blue   non-tidal river
dk blue   tidal river


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