"The Cut"

The canal system, as shown here, displays the interconnected network of canals which are currently considered 'navigable' (this is a work-in-progress and is still missing data). Where possible, I have used the original names for canals, and have provided background histories. Also shown are sections of canals originally connected but which are now infilled or abandoned, some of which are under restoration. New projects are also displayed. There is a second layer showing the names of junctions where they have a historic name. The layers can be switched on/off using the sidebar. It is also possible to view this window as a full screen (button top right of the window). Functionality is provided by Google MyMaps©.

Key to waterway colours
dk green   narrow canal
dk orange   broad canal
lt blue   non-tidal river
dk blue   tidal river
yellow   derelict/abandoned
or under restoration
lilac   new project


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